I still have to let my beta readers read it and do all my proofing.) (All this work and it’s just the proof copy. Now I’m ready to try uploading my book again. I downloaded a free trial 30-day version of Foxit yesterday, installed it, and fixed my file problem. I hate to pay that for a program I need to use three or four times a year to do this one thing.
A full version of Adobe Acrobat is $140 Foxit is $90. But Adobe Reader and Foxit Reader neither one let you delete pages.

Where I used to work had a copy, so it was no trick to just delete the pages.

The only problem is that I no longer have access to a full version of Adobe. It’s still a pain in the ass-because you have to do it every time you make a change to the text-but it works. pdf, and then manually delete the extra pages. The easiest, fastest thing to do is to convert the file, open up the. I have yet to figure out why this happens-although I spent the better part of a day trying to figure it out last year.
pdf file when it gets converted from Word. pdf file (as opposed to the Word file), I remembered that, for some bizarre reason, extra blank pages get inserted into the. But, after dredging up year-old memories about this process, and looking at the actual. I thought that was bizarre, considering I didn’t put more than one blank page between sections. I uploaded my file and cover, but the file was rejected for having too many consecutive blank pages in it. What has me really frustrated (and silent on my blog for the past week) is the proof copy of The Flames of Prague. When we were safely ensconced inside the building, they closed off the street with gates and shot off experimental pieces in the road.)* I went to elementary school next to a fireworks manufacturing facility. There are no less than 6 permanent, year-round fireworks stores in the county. We had to miss out on a cookout with friends and the fabled fireworks displays in Marion County, the fireworks capital of the United States. I did have a pretty decent Fourth of July weekend, although it rained the entire time. It’s still there, but they got cheap and redid their sign sans neon. Ah, the old Tennessee Alabama fireworks stand in my hometown, Kimball.